Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Matte painting

 Matte painting done in photoshop using 3 different images. Clone tool is used to show blend or mix of the images together.
Reference images:

Fur - Llama

A cute cartoonic llama character drawn in photoshop to show fur works. Fur is done using hair brushes. 
 Reference image for llama 

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


Model of an iPod done in Maya software using surfaces with curves and primitive objects. 
No lighting, shadow nor texturing is given to the model. 

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Environment model

A simple Environment model showing forest view.
Modelling is done in Maya software using polygons and Sculpt geometry tool for giving bump kind of a surface for the ground.

Exterior Layout

An old house model for an exterior layout 3D Modelling done in Maya software using polygons.

Sci-Fi Interior

A Spaceship corridor interior done in Maya software using polygons in Sci-Fi styled modelling.
All the views are shown of this interior with a Wireframe image.
Lambert material is used.

Toon Vehicle- Truck

 3D Modelling of a Semi realistic Vehicle with Wireframes
A cute toy kind of a vehicle which is modelled in Maya Software in Polygons. Textured using materials like Lambert and Blinn.


 3D Modelling of Lantern with Wireframe done in Maya software
A realistic model of a Lantern done in polygons applying materials like Lambert for metalic parts and Phong for glass for Texturing.