Saturday, 10 September 2016

Character modelling - Fish

Modelling this Fish was fun. I did the blocking first for the reference to model it. Blocking was done using sphere in polygons. For modelling I used tools like extrude, bridge and so on.
Wireframe mode of the modeled Fish

Thursday, 8 September 2016

UV Texturing

Truck Model has been done in polygons. I have created automatic mapping before creating UV texture editor. Kind of a royal and also crazy looking truck which is been textured in photoshop.
 UV texture editor screenshot image.
Back view of the truck to show the textured details behind it. 

Texture Mapping

 A pirate map done by a plane in polygons. Soft selection used to adjust the shape of a plane. Planar mapping is used in UV texture editor to relax and get the proper shape of the map in photoshop.
Photoshop screenshot image to show the details of pirate map. 

Double Sided Shader

 Model of playing cards done using cube in polygons. Automatic mapping is used to set the UV texture editor then later created a PSD network to give textures in photoshop.
Photoshop screenshot image to show the texturing of playing card. 

Layered Shader

Apples modelled using sphere with phong material.

A bowl of healthy carrot soup bowl. I have used sphere in polygons to model the bowl and spoon and triangular faces of a cylinder for showing the layer of soup. For presentation I made carrot pieces out of cylinder and coriander leaves out of a plane in polygons.
Hypershade networks to show the materials and texturing details of an apple.
Hypershade networks to show the materials and texturing details of a carrot soup. 

Eye Shader

 Eye ball of a lion. This model is to show the details of an eye ball and it will also be used for character modelling of a lion.
 Eye ball of an Owl.
 Eye ball of a Human.
 Perspective view to show the details like blood veins behind eye ball.
 Reference image for eye ball of a Lion.
 Hypershade networks to show the materials and texturing used for eye ball of Lion.
 Hypershade networks to show the materials and texturing used for eye ball of an Owl.
 Hypershade networks to show the materials and texturing used for eye ball of a Human.
 Reference image for modelling the eye ball of an Owl.
 Reference image for modelling the eye ball of a Human.
Perspective view to show the details of the eye ball of Owl. 

Glass and Wood

 Glass is been modelled by a cylinder,  giving it a specific shape of a glass. Phong material is given to the glass.
Refractive index of glass is 1.6

Hypershade networks with all the materials and texturing connections of Glass.
Hypershade networks with materials and texturing connections of Wood.