Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Mia Materials

I have created a Brick shaped model. 20 Types of Mia materials are created.


This scene is created in Maya Software. It is a model from the Polygon Primitives. This shows the Reflective effect of Light.

This shows the Refractive effect of light.


This scene is created in Maya Software and composited in After Effects Software. Window in a room is been modeled.
I have first created an Ambient Occlusion scene, then a scene with Fog coming through the window and then a scene with sky effect on the shadow.
These scenes are rendered and the images are used in After Effects to give dust particles effects to the fog. All the 3 scenes are combined together to form 1 scene.
CC Particle World efffect is used to give dust particles effects to the scene.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Character Animation

The Character is given to us Modeled and Rigged, it is Animated in Maya Software.
I have used the curve controls to moves the parts of the Character. Graph Editor is used to correct the poses and tweek them.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Character Rigging

The model is done in Maya Software.
Joints from Skeleton option are created for the model. Joints are skinned to join joints to the model and Blend Shape is used to finalize the rig. 
Curves are used to move the rigged model as per the comfort of the Animator.

Screenshots to show the details and the outliner of Maya software